Now I am no feminist by any stretch of the imagination, I think people should just play the hand they are dealt and get on with their life. But the other day I was reminded of something, Chris Brown, who had an apparently “Awesome VMA Performance” is still famous! The Phrase “What the fuck” has never been more apt. It literally boggles my mind that a man who beat his then girlfriend (Rihanna) is still allowed on TV without a disclaimer, informing viewers of his prior actions and how his views are likely to offend your ear drums.
If anyone, from his mainly female fan base are now reading this thinking “Poor Chris. His life wasn’t easy” or “We're all human we all make mistakes”. I can happily inform you this wasn’t a one off; remember his This Morning America interview, when after being asked about his restraining order against Rihanna, he trashed his dressing room, smashed a window with a chair, ripped his top off and exited the building! And we can be fairly sure there have been other incidents of this nature that have been kept under wraps.

So the only advice I can offer you is this. Next time you hear or see someone listening to, playing or purchasing anything Chris Brown, just punch them in the face (whether they're male or female)because apparently no one gives a shit.
You don't know Chris leave him alone
ReplyDeleteNeither do you. but from the information I've seen he does seem like a bit of a prick.