Now don’t get me wrong, I do hate Justin Bieber; and if anyone asked me why, I would inform them how his music is awful and destroying the industry, jumping up on some high horse as if I give a crap. Then desperately make it look as if I’m trying to help him, by informing the world that if his life continues this way he will end up losing it like Britney, or LindsayLohan. Really I couldn’t care less; but I was thinking earlier today why? Why did I automatically think TWAT when I saw a story about him crashing his Ferrari F430, and it suddenly became so obvious.....

So I say let the hate continue, for the sake of the common man; allow us to justify our existence by hating on someone who has achieved more than we are likely to ever manage. Let us believe in our own screwed up way we are better than him, because come on, admit it, he is a little Twat.