The Westboro Baptist Church, for the few that aren’t aware are a fairly deluded lot, who if god were almighty would have been aborted before their life of Headlines, Hatred and Hypocrisy began. Never the Less this group have a particular focus this week, not brainwashing their children, picketing at the funerals of American service men and women or claiming responsibility for natural disasters; No they are hating on the film Red State.
Yes, this week Fred Phelps (Westboro’s leader) with his infinitely unfathomable logic has decided that “God hates fags, God hates fag enablers,therefore God hates Kevin Smith." Kevin being the Director of Red State. Now I have decided it’s pointless to write another article simply hating on these people as it will only enrage readers further, so I shall give you a list of 5 ways Westboro are fucking themselves in the arse:
- By choosing Kevin Smiths new movie Red State as their target they have increased the media coverage on it, so increasing viewings and sales. They could have saved some time and just given Kevin a Cheque.
- By indoctrinating their children from such a young age, they are sadly insuring them complete social rejection at school, leading to a poor education, few job prospects and so reduced funding to the church.
- The vast majority of Westboro members are from the same family, and with no new members from outside the family joining, numbers can only decline. That is unless Papa Phelps can justify incest.
- Westboro’s actions have lead to hundreds of counter marches for gay pride, which will have subsequently lead to greater acceptance of gay’s and so more homosexual activity.
- If God is real there aint a chance Fred Phelps is going anywhere but Hell.